Problems and Solutions

Chrome offline installer for Win
Added 2023-11-27

No input from sound card when using Pipewire

If you don't get any sound from the capture ports in Pipewire it could be the the port is muted or has a very low wolume. Run
wpctl status | grep -A4 Sources| grep -i Stereo
to check the status and if it's muted and/or low run something like
wpctl set-mute 49 0 ; wpctl set-volume 49 99%
(presuming your sound card is at ID 49)

If the stereo balance feels off it could be that the output channels have different volume. Run 'pw-top' and check the ID of your "alsa_output". Run
pw-cli e 49 Props | grep -A6 channelVolumes
to check the values and something like
pw-cli s 49  Props '{ channelVolumes = [ 1.0 1.0 ] }
to set them to the same level (again presuming your sound card is at ID 49)
Added 2023-04-07

Compiling clang/llvm and gold linker
git clone
cd llvm-project && mkdir GOLD && cd GOLD && git clone --depth 1 git:// binutils \
&& mkdir build && cd build && ../binutils/configure --enable-gold --enable-plugins --disable-werror \
&& make all-gold
Copy gold/ld-new to /usr/bin/ Go back to llvm-project
mkdir build && cd build && \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/llvm-version-number -DLLVM_BINUTILS_INCDIR=/PathTo/GOLD/binutils/include ../llvm
(optionally add "-DLLVM_ENABLE_LTO=Thin" [or "Full])
Added 2023-01-31

MuseScore 3.6.2 can't find Qt5QuickTemplates2Config.cmake on Ubuntu 18.04
There isn't a libqt5quicktemplates2-5-dev package or anything similar and while qtquickcontrols2-5-dev has some QtQuickTemplates2 files it's missing the cmake ones.
Download and run
 ar x qtquickcontrols2-5-dev_5.12.8+dfsg-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb  && tar -xf data.tar.gz 
 for var in `ls usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/Qt5QuickTemplates2/*` ; do sed -i 's/5.12.8/5.9.5/' $var ; done
 cp -a usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/Qt5QuickTemplates2 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/
Added 2021-05-05

Wine can't find MIDI devices using the live Xubuntu-20.04.2 image
If you boot a Xubuntu-20.04.2 live session, add the proper i386 packages (most notably the libaudio2-plugins:i386 one), compile a 32-bit Wine and try to use it the Windows programs won't see any MIDI devices.
It works fine in using the Xubuntu-20.04.1 image

The reason is that there's something wrong with the /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf file in the live image.
The file itself is fine (the content is exactly the same as in 04.1 and there are no permission problems) but something in the underlying filesystem isn't so Wine can't use it, for some reason.

The workaround is to make a new copy of it :
mv /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf /usr/share/alsa/ && cp /usr/share/alsa/ usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf
Added 2021-03-31

Guitarix can't find a running JACK session
Even though JACK is up an running, and can be used by other programs such as Ardour, VCV Rack and Yoshimi, Guitarix displays a window claiming it can't find a JACK session.
The error shown, if Guitarix is started from the command line, is "Cannot mmap shm segment /jack-1000-0"

The problem comes from having both a hard and a soft entry for memlock in /etc/secutity/limits.conf (or limits.d/realtime.conf or similar)
Use "username - memlock <desired size>" instead
Added 2021-01-22

HOWTO reattach an iSCSI storage repository (SR) to Xen
Here's how you reattach an iSCSI SR without losing the data on it
Added 2018-05-18

Creating iSCSI targets using tgt
Click here
Added 2018-05-17

Multi-line record to single line
To convert a multi-line record, like
# dn=test1
fullName:Test1 Test1

# dn=test2
fullName:Test2 Test2

cn: test1 fullName: Test1 Test1
cn: test2 fullName: Test2 Test2
run awk 'BEGIN{RS="#"; FS="\n";} {print $2,$3}' or replace RS="#" with RS="\n\n" if the records are separated by a blank line
Added 2012-09-26

Using LVM in linux
See here : LVM in linux
Added 2010-03-17

Replacing eol in jed/emacs
To replace the end-of-line in jed or emacs you type Ctrl-q Ctrl-j in the replacement dialog. Note that you probably want to add it back at the end of the new string
Also to remove ^M you type Ctrl-q Ctrl-m
Added 2009-11-23
Updated 2010-01-29

Xfce 4.6 shows double icons of everything in the Settings Manager
If you have used the installer and installed to, say, /opt/xfce-4.6 and also used stow to create symlinks in /usr/local things will be shown twice. Remove the .desktop links from /usr/local/share/applications to fix that.
Added 2009-02-23

Small, unreadable fonts in Wine/OOo/Opera under Ubuntu with Compiz
* Wine: Put
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\X11 Driver]
in FontFix.reg and run 'regedit FontFix.reg'
* For try this (
1. Ubuntu: System > Preferences > Appearance > Visual Effects Tab > None.
2. Open Office: Tools > Entry > View Entry > Uncheck "Screen font antialiasing."
3. Ubuntu: System > Preferences > Appearance > Visual Effects Tab > Normal/Extra.
* Opera:
Run this command in the terminal; "sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config" then select "Autohinter", "Always" (for subpixel rendering on LCD display), and "No" for Enable bitmapped fonts. Then, change in System/Preferences/Appearance/Fonts to "Subpixel" smoothing. Viola! Problem solved.
In the fonts tab of the appearance menu, just below subpixel smoothing, you will see the "Details" button, just click it and it will open up another menu, now in the top left corner of the menu you will see an option to change the dots per inch values, just keep lowering the values until you get to the right size for the system fonts.
In Opera settings select Freesans as menu font
Added 2009-02-16

Create a sequence of numbers
I just rediscovered the seq command. Before I had to create my own bash script whenever I wanted to print out a row of numbers, and add logic if I wanted 1-9 to have a prepending zero. Now I happily run 'seq -w 1-22'
Added 2008-12-17

Sending SMTP Mail from a Command Line
/bin/mail can't send attachments or strip the hostname from the sender address. Use sendEmail (local copy here) instead
Added 2008-08-06

caps-0.4.2 doesn't work
If newer versions of the caps ladspa plugin, and in particular the amps, doesn't work (in jack-rack for instance), try removing -ffast-math from the Makefile and re-compile
( Rebuilding all plugins with SSE (ie -mfpmath=sse) has eliminated denormal problems for me)
Added 2008-05-13

Wrong liblo-version reported in Mandriva 2007
'rpm -qa| grep liblo' claims liblo0-0.23 but /usr/lib/pkgconfig/liblo.pc says 0.18. Change the latter.
Added 2007-03-23

Switching encoding in terminal
The Terminal in Xfce4 doesn't have a switch between UTF-8 and ISO-8859-1 like gnome-terminal has. Instead you have to use 'luit' to filter between charsets. Set LC_ALL=sv_SE and run luit to use (swedish) latin1 for instance.
Added 2007-03-12

Installing grub on HP/Compaq RAID
Before running root (hd0,0) on the grub prompt make sure you run device (hd0) /dev/cciss/c0d0
Added 2006-12-20

Edit PDF - sort of...
Convert the pdf to ps: pdf2ps
Run flpsed
Added 2006-09-20

Greylisting doesn't work in OpenSuse 10.1
Mail doesn't arrive and there's "problem talking to server private/policy: Operation not permitted" in /var/log/mail.warn.
Add /usr/lib/postfix/spawn px, to /etc/apparmor.d/usr.lib.postfix.master and
/{var/spool/postfix,}/private/policy rw, to /etc/apparmor.d/usr.lib.postfix.smtpd and do a
service boot.apparmor restart
Added 2006-05-17

Apache won't start with -DSSL (Mandriva)
If you get lots of "[emerg] (13)Permission denied: couldn't grab the accept mutex" in /var/log/httpd/error_log edit /etc/httpd/conf.d/41_mod_ssl.default-vhost.conf and add
AcceptMutex flock
LockFile /var/run/httpd.lock
after the <IfModule mod_ssl.c> line
Added 2005-09-01

suphp-0.5.2 problems
The path to the php cgi seems hard coded to /usr/bin/php.cgi
Added 2005-06-27

Errors compiling wavpack-4.x
If you get errors about extra1.c: structure has no member named `sum_A' , add
Added 2005-05-30

rsync dies after getting X MB's:
If rsync dies with a
  rsync: writefd_unbuffered failed to write 4096 bytes: phase "unknown" [generator]: Connection reset by peer (yyy)
  rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(xxxx)

make sure the sending system has access to all ports (over 1024?) on the recieving end. Just opening the rsync port in the firewall is not enough.
Added 2005-03-31

Quieting "st0: Error with sense data:"
If you get the above and "Raw sense data:0xf0 0x00 0x05 0x00 0x00..." try
/bin/mt -f /dev/st0 stsetoptions no-blklimits scsi2logical
Added 2005-01-20

gcc: link to a lib in a specific directory
Add -Wl,-R/path/to/library
Added 2005-01-18

capabilities and grsecurity-2.1.0-2.6.10 (and MDK 10.1)
You can't compile CAPABILITIES as a module if you run grsecurity.
depmod will complain about missing grsec... and you won't be able to modprobe capabilities.o. That in turn makes named refuse to start, with a capset error.
Added 2005-01-14

ntpdate whines Server dropped: strata too high
Probably not an error if you just started your ntp server. ntp needs some time to syncronize and won't let anyone use it before it has done so.
Run ntpq -c lpee on your ntp server and check if some of your servers has an asterisk (*) indicating time sync. If not you have to wait a bit longer. The "reach" number usually is between 15-25 before you have sync.
Added 2005-01-04

Getting lm_sensors to work with a GA-6VXC7-4X
Do not load i2c-viapro. Use i2c-via instead with i2c-isa and via686a
Added 2004-12-16

Tag mails in Pine
Make sure enable-aggregate-command-set is selected in the config. Highlight each message, and press the ";" key. Press enter to tag the currently selected message. Once you have tagged all the messages you want to export, press the "A" key to apply a command to all the tagged messages.
Borrowed from
Added 2004-11-03

Update Mandrake through console
urpmi.update your-update-source
urpmi --auto-select --media your-update-source
Added 2004-11-03

Editing UTF8 in an ordinary xterm
Recent full versions of vim can handle UTF8 (Unicode). Type
 :let &termencoding = &encoding
 :set encoding=utf-8
Also check out Vim docs
Added 2004-09-07

NW6.5: Apache can't find home directory for users
If you added posixAccount schema for NW5.1, and later upgraded to 6.5, you might have to add values in the UNIX Profile tab in C1 for Apache (and NWFTP) to find the users home directory.
Also check any uniqueID value.
Or add hDirSearchAttr cn to httpd.conf as per TID 10090222
Also check out TID 10089119
Added 2004-08-02

iManager 2.02 not working in NW65 SP1.1
If you can't access anything on port 80 and iManager won't work, check if the file included in sys:\apache2\conf\httpd.conf called sys:\tomcat\4\conf\nps-apache.conf really exists and isn't called NPS_APAC.CON
Added 2004-06-01

Attachments missing in Pegasus Mail
Edit the [Reader] section of the state.pmj file to read:
Body=0,0,798,486,"156 100 0"
Attmt=0,0,0,0,"138 0"
Added 2004-05-10

New default template in networked Writer (SO-7.0)
Nicked and modified from
Open a new document and make appropriate changes. Save it using File - Template - Save (it'll end up where the SO client files are installed , search for *.stw) Close Writer and move the .stw to the share\template\<language> directory of your network installation. Start Writer and select File - Template - Organize, select the category (Standard) and right-click your template and select "Set As Default". This will be saved in the user\registry\data\org\openoffice\Setup.xcu file in your client install. Distribute this to the other clients and you're good to go.
Added 2004-04-28

cdrecord and linux 2.6.x
cdrecord dev=ATAPI:0,4,0 FILE.iso
Added 2004-02-27

Getting Pen Drive 2.0 to work with linux-2.6 and udev
If you want your Pen Drive 2.0 USB Flash HD to show up at a specific place everytime you attach it you have to add this to your udev.rules:
# Pen Drive 2.0
BUS="scsi" SYSFS_model="USB DISK Pro    ", NAME="the_name_you_want"
Yes, the spaces after Pro must be there
Added 2004-02-05

Unable to view some Postscript files in Mandrake 9.1 and 9.2
Some Postscript files load the fonts in a not recommended way. Fix the file by running
sed "s|\[FontBBox\]|/FontBBox load|" >
See this page or
Added 2003-11-17
Uppdated 2003-11-21

To decompress an RPM into the current directory
rpm2cpio <package name> | cpio -i --make-directories
Added 2003-05-13

Compile a static binary from (GNU) source
Run './configure' as usual and then 'make LDFLAGS=-static'
Or if you do like this gcc -O2 -static *.c -o ByteMarkStatic -lm make soure any library is linked last
Added 2003-03-25

Fixing ugly fonts in Mandrake 9.0
If Opera (for instance) has ugly fonts get the Microsoft web fonts and put them in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType. Run 'xftcache' as root to update the font cache and restart your font server.
Added 2003-03-06

Error compiling libxml2-2.5.1: len undeclared in nanohttp.c
Do not use the CFLAG combination "-march=pentium2 -malign-functions=4" if you're compiling with gcc-3.2. Use "-march=pentium2 -falign-functions=4" instead
Added 2003-02-11

msec and file permissions
If you don't like the way msec keeps changing your file permissions check your SECURE_LEVEL in /etc/sysconfig/msec and modify the according /usr/share/msec/perm file
Also, to modify other things, edit /etc/security/msec/level.local :
from mseclib import *
Added 2003-02-05

GnuPG mini-HOWTO
Read it here
Added 2003-01-23

squidGuard doesn't work
squidGuard isn't very good at reporting errors neither in file permissions or config file errors. If you see the squidGuard processes running but the log file tells you squidGuard stopped check the ownership and permissions of the .db files, they should be owned by the user/group squidGuard is running as (like squid.squid) and chmod 750
Also to create a new .db from scratch you have to define it in squidGuard.conf as well as creating the subdir and plain text file; To create an evilsited.db yo have to
  • make subdir evilsites and add the domains in evilsites/domains
  • add
    dest evilsites {
            domainlist evilsites/domains
    to squidGuard.conf
  • run squidGuard -C evilsites/domains
    Added 2003-01-08

    Postfix dies in Mandrake 9.0
    If you get these errors in /var/log/mail/warnings:
    Nov 18 17:03:45 hal2 postfix/master[28142]: warning: process
     /usr/lib/postfix/nqmgr pid 28846 killed by signal 11
    Nov 18 17:03:45 hal2 postfix/master[28142]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/nqmgr:
     bad command startup -- throttling
    and the only postfix binary running is /usr/lib/postfix/master then you've probably edited /etc/nsswitch.conf and added ldap to passwd, shadow and/or group.
    Added 2002-11-18

    error: possibly undefined macro: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL
    If you see this when running autoconf you have probably compiled you own (new) automake.
    Run aclocal with the flag -I /usr/local/share/aclocal (or wherever you have the .m4 files) [that's a capital "ai", not an "el"]
    Added 2002-11-13

    Compiling PHP-4.2.3 fails in gd.c
    If you get this error
    gd_ctx.c: In function _php_image_output_ctx':
    gd_ctx.c:70: structure has no member named free'

    you can apply this patch to fix it.
    Added 2002-11-12

    Custom folders in Win95 doesn't work with ZfD 3.2
    If you distribute custom folders like Desktop Icons and/or Start Menu through Zenworks for Desktop 3.2 to a Win95 client it doesn't work. When looking at the registry HKCU/SW/MS/Win/CurVer/Explorer/User Shell Folders the keys are DWORD instead of Strings and therefore not working.
    After (a lot of!) searching through the knowledgebase I found TID 10065608 which (incorrectly) refers to the ZfD3.2 cummulative patch zd32nwe.exe (should be zd32nw.exe). After applying that I had to do a lot of searching to find out that since I have JVM 1.3.1 I had to install zd3xjvm.exe (as per TID 10062746).
    Added 2002-08-09

    Unable to compile lame-3.92 with DJGPP2
    Use this patch if you get errors regarding apply_preset in set_get
    Added 2002-08-05

    Problems with CUPS and non-postscript printers
    Download cups (1.1.15 or higher) from and compile/install it.
    Note: There seems to be some problems using the admin.cgi to configure the printers if you compile cups with gcc-3.1
    Download espgs (7.05.2 or higher) from and compile/install it.
    Download cupsomatic and put it in <path-to-cups>/lib/cups/filter (most likely /usr/local/lib/cups/filter)
    Get the apropriate PPD file from the PPD-O-Matic at
    This should solve any no pages found or Unable to convert file 0 to printable format errors
    Added 2002-06-24

    Getting Arcserve 7 to work on a Dell Poweredge 4600 running Netware 5.1
    If you get E0129 Failed to create console screen after the loading of Arcserve.nlm you have to get the QO05996.CAZ cummulative patch from here
    You may have to rename/delete nwtape.cdm and load fpsm.nlm and canwpa.cdm prior to running astart as well.
    Added 2002-06-12

    Using Novell NDS/LDAP to verify linux clients
    Here's a guide for getting it to work. I had a lot of help from Matt Ross at Novel's LDAP-forum in piecing everything together.
    Added 2002-06-07
    Uppdated 2002-11-21
    Uppdated 2003-03-17

    mysql Can't open file , errno: 145 even if it exists
    The table is corrupt, run myisamchk -r on it.
    Added 2002-05-14

    Spellcheck in other languages than english in 1.0
    Get the ispell dictionary file for your language (for Sweden and Denmark it's at
    Check your locale using the 'locale' command. It should give you LANG=sv_SE (in Sweden) or something similar.
    Put the file svenska.datalista and svenska.aff (or the corresponding files) in your OpenOffice.org1.0/user/wordbook directory, renaming them to sv_SE.dic and sv_SE.aff (or whatever LANG says).
    Add DICT sv SE sv_SE to OpenOffice.org1.0/user/wordbook/dictionary.lst
    Start swriter and go to "Tools/Options/Language Settings/Languages" and change "Default language for documents" to your language.
    Choose "Tools/Options/Language Settings/Writing Aids" and "Edit..." "OpenOfice MySpell Checker".
    Check the "OpenOfice MySpell Checker" box and you're done.
    Added 2002-05-02

    Tuning Netware
    Get TID 10012765 from or here

    Resetting a garbagled xterm (after catting a bin-file)
    Type echo <CTRL-V> <ESC> c <ENTER>

    Setting the title of an xterm
    In tcsh type this command:
    echo -n "\033]0;Text-in-title\007"

    Removing ^M in unix from a windows file
    With sed :
    sed 's/^M//g' File > New_file 
    With Emacs :
    M-x replace-string RET C-q C-m RET RET
    Howto generate ^M :
    In bash type Ctrl-v Ctrl-m
    In tcsh type Ctrl-v Ctrl-j (!)

    xsane not finding devices vith devfs
    When logged in as a normal user on a linux 2.4 with devfsd xsane can not find any devices. Change /dev/scsi/host1/bus0/target0/lun0/generic to o+rw (Assumes HP Scanjet 5100C, epst and a primary scsi interface).
    Note! It seems you HAVE TO compile the shuttle/epst driver as a module
    and remember to include scsi-generic. The kernel does not find the scanner otherwise

    Compiling apache with mod_ssl, mod_perl and mod_php
    Apachetoolbox is too complex for me and Apache Compile Kit too old, so I modified the latter.
    The script is here. Note: You'll need to download the tarballs from the respective sites.
    Added 2002-03-28

    Timeout errors with net-sane and USB with linux
    Change #define IBUF_SIZE and #define OBUF_SIZE in drivers/usb/scanner.h to 512

    Server software for TIMEP (RFC-868 [udp on port 37])
    If you have to use TIMEP instead of NTP for time syncronization download this server or this local copy tsync-server-0.6.tar.gz
    Added 2002-03-11

    Compiling gimp 1.2.2 fails on __cmpdi2
    Edit the Makefile in the app directory and add -shared to the end of the GTK_LIBS line

    linux-2.2 not compiling nfs3xdr
    gcc-2.95.2 complains about
    "nfs3xdr.c: In function encode_wcc_data:"
    "nfs3xdr.c:277: internal error--insn does not satisfy its constraints"

    Go to fs/nfsd and compile nfs3xdr.c manually using the same CFLAGS as make but remove the "-O2".
    Put "FILES_FLAGS_UP_TO_DATE += nfs3xdr.o" in ".nfs3xdr.o.flags".
    Go back to the top level and "make modules"

    Axis Storpoint trying to authenticate through bindery instead of NDS
    Shrink signature level to 2 on the netware client. Storpoint can't handle level 3 up until and including software version 5.32.

    Getting Arcserve 6.6 for NW 4.11 to work with Adaptech 2940U2W (using HAM drivers) and DLT1
  • Install servicepack 4 for Arcserve
  • Delete (rename) scsi2tp.cdm or it autoloads
  • Edit asconfig.ini and replace the line ASPIDB HOST=x NAME=BOARDx with CANWPABD USEABOVE16 CLEAR according to this document from CA
  • To get the database to update online (avoiding having to use "Merge Tape") change UseMergeDaemon to NO in asconfig.ini

    ACAD LT 2000 cashes when printing
    If you try to print in AutoCad LT 2000 on a Win95a or Win95b box with 1024x768 resolution you get a Fatal Error : Unhandled Access Violation Reading 0x0000 Exception at 5f3e1285h . Decreasing the resolution remedies the problem.
    Added 2001-11-11 (perhaps ?)

    Unable to PowerCast with Drive Image
    In net.cfg the lines "Frame Ethernet..." must begin with a whitespace, otherwise the PowerCast server complains about the protocols not being properly set up.

    Samba and CUPS
    If CUPS is installed in /usr/local you have to make a link from lpstat to /usr/bin :
    ln -s /usr/local/bin/lpstat /usr/bin
    otherwise the win-client aren't able to see the printers.
    Samba also doesn't seem to have /usr/local/bin in its PATH so make sure you add paths to the print, lpq, and lprm commands in smb.conf

    Xconsole in Netware complans about missing fonts : XCONSOLE-ERROR-400

    Add "courb12 -adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--12-120-75-75-m-70-iso8859-1" to your /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/fonts.alias file and do a "xset fp rehash"

    SSH-2.0.12 and/or 1.2.26 not compiling on glibc-2.1 (RedHat 6.0)

    Patch wtmp.c and pty-ptmx.c in lib/sshsession with this file
    Patch and login.c with this file


    IMP logs you out when trying to read a mail and Compose and Contacts windows closes immediately :
    You haven't created the nessecery database tables! Download the phplib tarball from and run the create_database. <your_db>

    Note : mod_php3-3.0.17-2mdk.i586.rpm for Mandrake 7.1 seems not to work with IMP. It segfaults the apache server when trying to send a mail. The user gets a "Document contains no data" error.

    Having IMP open "Compose new mail" in the same window
    IMP < 1.2.6 :
    Edit imp/templates/menu/ and replace javascript:open_compose_win('') with
    "compose.php3" target="impmain"
    IMP > 1.2.6 :
    Add $default->minimum_popups = 1 to imp/config/defaults.php3

    Removing Server and Mail from login window
    Edit imp/config/defaults.php3 and change $default->user_change_server and $default->user_change_folder to false

    Ugly looging "Folders" page in IMP 2.0.11
    Remove the last </table> in templates/folders/

    Using sort to sort hex numbers
    Patch textutils-2.0.10 from with this file from Roger Wolff

    Mandrake 6.x errors

  • Lynx claims : metamail: Can't open temporary file
    Create a "tmp" directory in your home
  • No dead keys in swedish keyboard layout :
    Replace /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/symbols/se with this file
  • Unable to "talk" ; error 111 :
    You have to uncomment ntalk in inetd.conf
  • Installing IMP
    Run <path to imp>/config/scripts/ and
    <path to horde>/lib/src/ --imp
    For some reason, imap seems not to work in mod_php3-3.0.12
  • -- MARK -- in /var/log/messages
    A feature of syslogd. The interval is adjustable by adding -m <minutes> to the start up of syslogd, or turned off by -m 0
  • dhcpd claims "error in kernel" if you compile kernel from tarball
    You have to define CONFIG_FILTER (Socket Filtering)
  • No imap support in libphp3
    Replace Mandrakes with this file.
    For sql-support you'll have to have mysql in /usr/local .

  • Unable to use "#exec cgi" in http
    Remove /usr/sbin/suexec.

    No routing between real IP:s when also masquerading
    You have to add ipchains -A forward -s Source -d Destination -j ACCEPT and one more swapping Source and Destination

    net use claiming not logged in when using dial-up
    You have to have (it seems) a NIC installed for net use to be happy

    Unable to locate Lantronix printservers using ezcon 1.2.9
    In a 802.2 network telnet to the printserver, su and enter
    DEFINE PROTOCOLS NETWARE encaps 802_2 enabled

    Searching local users in Pegasus
    In NDS mode you kan only search for user names och last names (it seems).

    Repeating a macro indefinitely in Emacs
    Record the macro with C-x ( and end it with C-x )
    Run it with C-0 C-x e or C-7 C-x e to run it seven times
    In jed you type ESC 10 M-x execute_macro to run it 10 times.

    Grep for multiple items
    grep -F -e item1 -e item2

    Watchdog unable to clear user/workstation
    Among other things, the users and workstations seem to have to be in the same context for this to work. The PC:s must be associated to the workstation policy package.

    Server no visible when browsing through RAS
    RIP must be enabled in Bindings in Inetcfg

    Saving is painstakingly slow in Netware 4
    Do not set "Auto reconnect level" on the client to 4 unless you have a lot of free time.

    Creating and signing a SSL-certificate with OpenSSL/mod_ssl
    Edit your <path-to-openssl>/ssl/openssl.cnf and change the _defaults after [ req_distinguished_name ]
    Create a certifying authority (CA) and (CSR)
      openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.key 2048
      openssl req -new -key server.key -x509 -days 1000 -out server.crt
    Remove passphrase from your key
      mv server.key
      openssl rsa -in -out server.key
      chmod 400 server.key

    Setting modem compression
    AT&K1 = autocompression
    AT&K2 = compression on